Web Services

We use a range of tools and technology in our work. Here are a few of our favourites.


Our favourite CMS but with added superpowers. WordPress.org is a highly versatile and powerful content management system. We know WordPress very well and can use its core tools to create an editing environment that is completely suited to your needs. We use custom-post-types and custom-fields so that your content is segmented in such a way as to be most useful and reusable. We’ll build a custom theme that includes both the visual design, plus all the interactive functionality. We minimise the use of plugins creating functionality to meet your specific requirements ourselves and building it into your theme.

Advance Custom Fields (ACF)

In WordPress we extend the basic extend the basic structure of a page, post or custom-post-type with ‘custom fields’. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a WordPress plugin that allows us to create and manage custom fields. These can include various data types such as text, images, file uploads, checkboxes, select menus, and more. ACF empowers WordPress us to tailor content and extend the capabilities of websites, making it a valuable tool for creating dynamic and highly customised WordPress sites.

Yoast SEO

Yoast is a widely used WordPress plugin that focuses on search engine optimisation (SEO) and helps website owners optimise their content for better visibility in search engine results. With Yoast, users can easily analyse their website’s pages and posts, providing suggestions and recommendations to improve SEO factors like keyword usage, meta tags, readability, and more. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface within the WordPress dashboard, where users can customise meta titles, descriptions, and other SEO elements for each page. Yoast also provides features like XML sitemap generation, breadcrumb navigation, and social media integration, making it easier to optimise website content for search engines and social sharing. It offers insights and feedback on factors like keyword density, internal linking, and readability, empowering users to create high-quality, search-friendly content. Whether users are beginners or experienced SEO practitioners, Yoast offers valuable guidance and tools to enhance their website’s visibility and improve their organic search rankings.

Flywheel Hosting

Flywheel is a managed WordPress hosting platform that provides a seamless and optimised hosting experience for WordPress websites. With Flywheel, users can easily set up and manage their WordPress sites without worrying about server management or technical complexities. The platform offers a user-friendly dashboard that allows users to create new WordPress installations, manage domains, and handle site backups effortlessly. Flywheel incorporates advanced caching technology, robust security measures, and automatic WordPress updates to ensure optimal performance and site security. Additionally, it offers collaboration features, allowing teams to work together on website development and deployment. Flywheel’s intuitive interface, speed, and reliability make it an ideal choice for individuals, agencies, and businesses looking for hassle-free WordPress hosting solutions.


WooCommerce is a powerful and widely used WordPress plugin that enables website owners to transform their WordPress sites into feature-rich e-commerce stores. Developed by Automattic, the same company behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce provides a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities for managing online stores. With WooCommerce, users can easily set up product catalogs, customise product pages, configure payment gateways, manage inventory, and handle shipping options. The plugin integrates seamlessly with WordPress, leveraging its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem to offer additional features like SEO optimisation, marketing tools, analytics, and customer management. WooCommerce supports a wide range of extensions and themes, allowing users to customise the appearance and functionality of their online stores to meet their specific needs. Whether users are selling physical products, digital downloads, or subscriptions, WooCommerce provides a robust and user-friendly platform to launch and scale their e-commerce businesses effectively.


Polylang is a popular WordPress plugin designed to facilitate multilingual content management on websites. With Polylang, website owners can easily create and manage multilingual websites by adding translations for different languages. The plugin provides a user-friendly interface within the WordPress dashboard, allowing users to easily create language versions of their content and associate them with specific pages, posts, or custom post types. Polylang supports a wide range of languages and provides features like language switchers, automatic language detection, and customisable language slugs. It also offers compatibility with popular WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce and Yoast SEO, enabling seamless integration of multilingual functionality with other website components. Polylang simplifies the process of managing multilingual content, making it easier for website owners to reach a multilingual audience and deliver localised experiences to their visitors.

Custom ‘Gutenburg’ blocks

Gutenburg Blocks are the fundamental building elements of the WordPress block editor. Introduced in WordPress version 5.0 as part of the ‘Gutenberg Project’ the block editor allows users to create and customise their website’s content in a more intuitive and flexible way. Each block represents a specific piece of content or functionality, such as paragraphs, headings, images, videos, galleries, buttons, and more. Users can easily add, rearrange, and style these blocks within the editor, offering greater control over the layout and design of their pages or posts. Gutenberg blocks empower users to create visually appealing and dynamic content without the need for complex coding. For Proper it means we can create custom blocks tailored to a site’s specific needs. The block editor has transformed the WordPress editing experience, empowering users to build more engaging pages.

Sensei LMS

Sensei is a powerful WordPress plugin developed by Automattic, the creators of WordPress for creating and managing online courses. With Sensei, website owners can transform their WordPress site into a powerful learning management system (LMS). The plugin provides a user-friendly interface that allows course creators to organise and structure their course content, including lessons, quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums. The plugin also offers features such as student progress tracking, grading and assessment capabilities, and flexible course enrolment options. Sensei provides a robust and intuitive solution for individuals, educators, and businesses looking to deliver online courses and monetise their expertise effectively.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications. Developed by Facebook, React focuses on creating reusable UI components that efficiently update and render when data changes. It follows a component-based architecture, where each component represents a distinct part of the user interface. React has become the de facto standard for building interactive and dynamic web applications. It integrates well with other libraries and frameworks, making it versatile and suitable for various development scenarios.


Google Firebase is a cloud-based platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools to build and deploy applications for web and mobile. With Firebase, we can easily integrate authentication and user management systems, store and sync data in real-time, host applications within a unified and user-friendly environment.


Algolia is a powerful search and discovery platform that enables us to implement fast and intuitive search functionality in web and mobile applications. With Algolia, we can easily implement features like autocomplete, instantly responsive search and filtering.


Next.js is a framework for React JS that simplifies the process of building server-rendered, static, and dynamic web applications. It offers a well defined structures for most common requirements. That means we can focus on the unique elements of a project.

Open Layers Maps

OpenLayers is an open-source JavaScript library that provides a powerful and versatile platform for creating interactive maps and geospatial applications on the web. With OpenLayers, we can easily integrate maps into websites, customise their appearance, and add various layers and overlays to visualise geospatial data. The library supports a wide range of map providers, including popular options like Google Maps, Bing Maps, and OpenStreetMap, as well as custom tile servers. OpenLayers offers extensive functionality for map navigation, including zooming, panning, and rotating, and allows us to add markers, polygons, lines, and other graphical elements to the map. It also provides advanced features like support for geolocation, spatial analysis, and interaction with geographic data sources such as WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service). OpenLayers is highly modular and extensible, making it suitable for building complex and interactive mapping applications. It’s open-source nature ensures a vibrant community that contributes to its ongoing development and improvement.


Locize is a localisation management platform designed to simplify the process of translating and managing multilingual content in software applications. With Locize, we can easily integrate localisation workflows into pipelines, enabling seamless translation management and deployment of localised content. The platform offers a user-friendly interface where translators can work collaboratively, translating and proofreading text strings in different languages. Locize supports a variety of file formats commonly used in software localisation, such as JSON, Gettext, and YAML. It also provides powerful features like key management, versioning, context support, and integration with popular development frameworks and tools like React, Angular, and GitHub. Locize streamlines the localisation process, allowing is to update and deploy translations quickly, maintain language consistency, and deliver localised experiences to our audience. Its intuitive interface, automation capabilities, and robust API make Locize an efficient solution for managing and maintaining multilingual content in software applications.